Access and Contacts
Mailing addresses and contacts
LGL-TPE @ University Lyon1 (UCBL)
Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Earth, Planets, Environment
UMR CNRS 5276 (University Lyon1, ENSL, UJM, CNRS)
University Claude Bernard, Lyon1
Campus de la Doua, bâtiment Géode, R2
2, rue Raphaël Dubois
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex
Secretary phone number: +33 (0)4 72 43 14 72 ou (0)4 72 44 58 16
Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Earth, Planets, Environment
UMR CNRS 5276 (Université Lyon1, ENSL, UJM, CNRS)
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46, Allée d’Italie, bâtiment M8
69364 Lyon cedex 07
Secretary phone number: +33 (0)4 72 72 85 14
LGL-TPE @ University Jean Monnet (UJM)
Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon: Earth, Planets, Environment
UMR CNRS 5276 (Université Lyon1, ENSL, UJM, CNRS)
University Jean Monnet
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
23 rue du Dr Paul Michelon, bâtiment C
42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 02

Visit us
University Lyon1
The laboratory is located in the Géode building on the La Doua campus in Villeurbanne. Access is from the north of the building, and an intercom allows you to contact your correspondent.
- From Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport, take the Rhône Express shuttle bus from the airport to Lyon Part-Dieu station.
- From Lyon Part-Dieu station, take the boulevard Vivier Merle exit. Take Metro line B, direction Stade de Charpennes, and get off at Charpennes station. Then take tramway line T1 towards IUT Feyssine or line T4 towards Doua Gaston Berger. Get off at Université Lyon1.
- Alternatively, take tramway T1 on the Boulevard Vivier Merle side or tramway T4 on the rue de la Villette side from Part Dieu station. Get off at Université Lyon1.
- From Lyon Perrache station, take metro line A towards Vaulx-en-Velin la Soie. Get off at Charpennes station. Then take tramway T1 towards IUT Feyssine or line T4 towards Doua Gaston Berger. Get off at Université Lyon1.
- Alternatively, you can take tramway T1 direct to IUT Feyssine from Perrache station. Get off at Université Lyon1.
ENS Lyon
The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon is located in the Gerland district of southern Lyon, near the Pasteur bridge, on the eastern bank of the Rhône. Entrance to the site is via the allée d’Italie reception area.
- From Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport, take the Rhône Express shuttle bus from the airport to Part-Dieu station.
- From Lyon Part-Dieu station, take the boulevard Vivier Merle exit. Take Metro line B, direction Stade de Gerland. Get off at Debourg.
- From Lyon Perrache station, take streetcar T1 direction Debourg, get off at ENS Lyon station.

UJM, Saint-Étienne
The laboratory is located on the main site of the Université Jean Monnet in the south-east of St-Etienne.
- From Saint-Etienne airport, take bus 37 from the airport station at the traffic circle to the Hôpital Nord stop, then tramway T2 to the Châteaucreux station in the city center.
- From Châteaucreux station in the city center, take the M4 bus to Faculté des Sciences station.