Interdisciplinarity around Earth Sciences
Coordinator : Régis Chirat
Email address:
Research themes:
- INSU-led interdisciplinary themes
(Illustration: location of the main antique cities and mines around the Mediterranean Sea, Albarède et al., 2021)

Description :
The aim of this theme is to support original research projects at disciplinary interfaces, such as those requiring the expertise of laboratories from various CNRS institutes or other national research organisations, or international collaborations involving researchers from different disciplines. These interdisciplinary works are most often characterised by risk-taking (leaving one’s “comfort zone”, long development times, difficulties in the evaluation of projects), an exploratory nature, and the novel and often unexpected aspect of collaborations. Copper isotopes as oncological biomarkers, provenance of antique coins traced by silver isotopes, the application to archaeology of inverse methods developed in seismology, or the physical bases of mollusk shell coiling, are just a few examples illustrating the diversity of studies previously supported by the theme. This support is open to all members of the unit, regardless of the topics addressed, as long as they are at disciplinary interfaces.
“Some of the most fascinating questions whose answers still remain obscure to science lie at the interface between traditional fields.”
Cockell, C., 2018. The equations of life: how physics shapes evolution.