An atom probe tomography for cosmochemistry


Coordinatrice : Anne-Magali SEYDOUX-GUILLAUME

Résumé du projet

From September 18 to 20, 2023, the launch conference of ORIGINS – From planets to life research program was held at the Collège de France. This significant and unifying event for the community began with interventions from the CNRS, pilot of the ORIGINS research program, as well as the MESR, then presented all of the Work Packages and the partners involved, the scientific support activities and the future calls for projects planned within the research program. The event was recorded and is viewable in its entirety here

One of the Work Package (COSMO-SAT) is led by Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume (co-led by François Vurpillot, PU at the University of Rouen and Mathieu Roskosz, PU at the MNHN). The project aims to develop a new generation of tomographic atom probe dedicated to the analysis of terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples, in particular to significantly improve their elemental and isotopic measurements at the nanometric scale.

The project has set itself several ambitious objectives for optimized instrumental improvements dedicated to the analysis of cosmochemical samples: an ultra-high-vacuum chamber optimized for complex mass spectrometry of geological samples, reduced background noise, a position- and time-sensitive detection system optimized in particular through the use of artificial intelligence, and the development of cryo-preparation of samples to improve the measurement of light atoms (H, He, C, etc.) volatile at room temperature.

Keywords : Scientific instrumentation, nanocharacterization, isotope analysis, cosmochemistry; geochronology

COSMO-SAT will mobilize around 10 researchers, teacher-researchers and permanent engineers for 6 years, will finance 3 Post-doctoral students and 1 PhD student, and has enabled the financing of a CIFRE thesis with CAMECA and an 80PRIME CNRS thesis (Tom Veret, co-directed by F. Vurpillot and A-M Seydoux-Guillaume).

Location of the consortium : Saint-Etienne (LGL-TPE), Rouen (GPM), Paris (IMPMC) and Grenoble (gipsa-lab)