Geochemistry of ENvironments and Ecosystems by Stable Isotope mass Spectrometry

Geographical site: UCBL1 Doua, Géode building, 5th floor
Technical manager: Arnauld Vinçon-Laugier (booking and training)
Email address:

Scientific managers: Romain Amiot et Christophe Lécuyer
Email address:

Photo Vincent Moncorgé Ⓒ

Presentation of the Platform

The GENESIS analytical platform is dedicated to determining the isotopic compositions of Oxygen (δ18O), Carbon (δ13C), Hydrogen (δ2H), Nitrogen (δ15N), and Sulfur (δ34S) in solid and liquid matter. It analytically supports the research activities of the 4PAL, BVP, and Surface and Lithosphere themes. This platform is divided into several dedicated workspaces: sample preparation, wet chemistry, clean chemistry, precision weighing, as well as an analysis room equipped with isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS). The platform’s operations are managed by a research engineer and a technician.

Type of experiments/analyses/services

CNRS pricing (price in euros excluding VAT per sample and standard, replicas included):

18O and 13C carbonates > 100 µg: 8.878 (Internal) / 72.060 (External)

18O and 13C carbonates < 100 µg: 10.540 (Internal) / 112.033 (External)

18O phosphate of apatite (chemical treatments + analyses): 35.054 (Internal) / 186.411 (External)

Photo Vincent Moncorgé Ⓒ

List of Equipment