Post-doctoral offer in Geodynamics
Position open until filled

Characterization of transformations induced by ultrafast laser irradiations confined in a nanoscale volume.
This post doc is part of the ANR (French Agency for Research) DENSE (Dense structures on the nanoscale; led by R. STOIAN, LabHC) which proposes an innovative technique to create new high-density materials up to new crystal structures (hard materials, minerals). The idea is to create extreme conditions through ultrafast laser irradiations (fs) confined in the nanoscale volume, to generate new phases. The multidisciplinary consortium of DENSE (LabHC, FEMTO-ST, LaMCoS, LGF-EMSE and LGL-TPE) has a vast expertise in laser beam engineering, in probing of laser phenomena, in simulation of material transformation, on the subject of glassy materials and with competences in electronic, structural and mechanical characterization, in order to best answer the challenges posed by the project.
The objective will be to characterize by electron microscopy, mainly in transmission (TEM), the structural transformations induced by confined laser irradiation in a very small volume (< µm3), in various materials, including minerals (e.g. zircon, monazite). Advanced studies at the nanometric scale (diffraction, STEM, EELS) will be carried out by combining with a precise cutting of the irradiated zone by ionic thinning (realization of FIB slides) the characterization by TEM. The Clym site in Saint-Etienne ( has a latest generation JEOL NeoARM200F Cold FEG corrected (Cs) TEM, equipped with ADF/ABF and EDS detectors and an electron energy loss spectrometer (EELS) for atomic structural characterizatio (image). The work will be carried out in close interaction with the project partners, specialists in laser/matter interaction and associated atomistic simulations.
The work will be located in Saint-Etienne at the LGF laboratory of Mines Saint-Etienne (, and at the LGL-TPE of Jean Monnet University ( They will be supervised by Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume (LGL-TPE, transmission electron microscopy), Guillaume Kermouche (LGF, micromechanical testing) and Sergio Sao-Joao (LGF, microscopy and FIB machining).
Education: PhD in Material Science.
Skills: Strong knowledge in materials characterization. Extensive (practical) experience in TEM characterization is essential.
Application: Interested candidates should send a short CV (including the list of papers/communications) + a letter of motivation + a letter of recommendation, by email to Anne-Magali Seydoux-Guillaume (
Duration : 12 months
Hiring date: Position open until filled