Surface and Lithosphere
Coordinator : Jean-Emmanuel Martelat
Email address:
Research themes:
- Formation and evolution of the lithosphere
- Flow and erosion at the Earth’s surface
- Study of active and fossil regional faults
- Fluid-rock interactions

Description :
The aim of the Surface and Lithosphere theme is to measure and analyse deformations and transfers of matter at the surface and within the lithosphere on different time and space scales. This theme is organised into 3 axes: (Axis 1) the processes and mechanisms involved in the formation and evolution of the lithosphere, (Axis 2) flows and erosion at the Earth’s surface, and (Axis 3) slip along faults and deformation of the lithosphere. We are particularly interested in various societal issues: natural hazards (seismic hazard, landslides, volcanic activity monitoring), climate change and resources (prospecting, remediation of regional industrial sites, nuclear waste management).
Key statistics during the period 2020-25:
to manage more than 25 funded projects (two projects >€200k led by members of the theme)
National Observation Services
(3 co-I, 2 PI)
of master's degrees offered
PhD students
6 post-docs, 2 IR on fixed-term contracts, 27 permanent staff, 2 visiting professors, 1 volunteer contributor

Research themes :
- Formation and evolution of the lithosphere
- Flow and erosion at the Earth’s surface
- Study of active and fossil regional faults
- Fluid-rock interactions