
Pôle d'expérimentation et d'analyses en conditions extrêmes - Facilities for extreme conditions experiments and in-situ analysis

Locations : ENS de Lyon, UCB Lyon 1
Lab manager : Hervé Cardon
Scientific director : Isabelle Daniel

Technical support : Benjamin Mironneau, Gilles Montagnac

Contact :

Tous droits réservés H. Cardon

Research under pressure

The activities of this hub are distributed between two fields: materials physics and (micro)biology.
The former is based on diamond anvil cell (DAC) and autoclave technologies.
The second uses different types of culture chamber under high hydrostatic pressure (large-volume culture tubes, optical cells and diamond anvils cells).These LGLTPE facilities for experimentation under extreme pressure and temperature conditions are part of the Plateforme lyonnaise d’expérimentation en conditions extrêmes (PLECE).PLECE brings together on the Lyon university site a range of resources capable of combining extreme conditions of pressure (from several GPa to tens of GPa) and temperature (up to 2000°C) to develop materials of geological, technological or fundamental interest.
With the support of ENS de Lyon and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, this set of instruments was created by combining the resources of the Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon (UMR 5276) and the Institut Lumière Matière (UMR 5306) within the Fédération de Recherche André-Marie Ampère (FRAMA – FR3127).

Peace is spread over two geographical sites, on the La Doua campus of Claude Bernard University and on the Monod campus of the École normale supérieure de Lyon.
Both sites are equipped with a sample preparation laboratory for sawing, grinding, polishing and inspection by optical microscopy.

Qualitative and quantitative analyses are carried out either using methods developed on the laboratory’s other platforms, notably Raman spectroscopy (one of which has been specially equipped to accommodate DACs) or associated instruments (centre de diffractométrie Henri Longchambon), or on synchrotron light sources.

Tous droits réservés H. Cardon

Monod campus

Local contact: Hervé Cardon

Located on the Monod campus of the ENS de Lyon, this hub is equipped with all the facilities needed to assemble and load diamond anvil cells (micro-drilling machine, electric discharche machine, binocular microscopes) and conduct experiments (manual and automatic pneumatic drive systems, pressure measurement system using the luminescence of a reference material). It is backed up by the Raman spectroscopy platform for in-situ measurements.

La Doua campus

Local contact: Benjamin Mironneau

Housed in the Géode building on the La Doua campus of the University of Lyon 1, this hub groups together high-volume equipment such as autoclaves, pressure incubators and uniaxial presses (Paris-Edimburgh press type VX6).
It is complemented by chemistry and microbiology laboratories for experimental preparation.
Tous droits réservés H. Cardon

Le Peace is a partner in the réseau de technologie des hautes pressions du CNRS (french high-pressure network)

Peace is part of the RéGEF network – Pétrologie Expérimentale et Minéralogie (Experimental Petrology and Mineralogy)

links to external websites

Peace   Reap   Plece   FRAMA   RéGEF