View the ARC-EN-SUB mission!
7th May 2024
Two years ago, an international team of geologists embarked on the Pourquoi Pas? for a month-long campaign in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The aim of this mission, named ARC-EN-SUB, was to study the Atlantic ridge, and in particular its hydrothermal systems, including the fascinating black smokers. To mark the second anniversary of this scientific adventure, we invite you to take a video journey into the depths of the abyss to discover this incredible unknown world.

Remember: two years ago, in May 2022, the ARC-EN-SUB oceanographic campaign took place. The international team of 23 researchers led by Muriel Andreani (LGL-TPE) and Javier Escartin (ENS) studied the Rainbow submarine massif off the Azores in detail, tracing its tectonic, magmatic and metamorphic history. Thanks to Ifremer’s French Oceanographic Fleet vehicles aboard the Pourquoi Pas, they were able to observe the ocean floor at close quarters, bringing back numerous samples that are still being studied in the laboratory today.
To share this scientific and human adventure with as many people as possible, the Labex LIO – Institut des origines de Lyon has financed the production of several videos based on images brought back by the team and those taken by the ROV Victor 6000.
Make yourself comfortable, turn off the lights and dive into the abyss.
Looking for black smokers - la mission Arc-en-Sub

Aboard the Pourquoi pas? with the Arc-en-Sub mission

In this second video, we take you on a 3D journey aboard the Pourquoi Pas? during the Arc-en-Sub mission!