LGL-TPE members involved in the laying of two new golden spikes!
29th June 2024
There are 25 in the world, including two in the Drôme! Arnayon and La Charce, in the Baronnies region, are part of the Clous d’Or (Golden Spikes) network. These markers testify to changes in geological epochs, and are used by researchers the world over as time references to better understand the Earth’s history. The culmination of decades of work, according to Stéphane Reboulet, who was involved in the event.
Image opposite: Scientists in front of the Clou d’or, which has just been installed on the Col du Pré Guittard in Arnayon. Photo Le DL/Fabrice Hébrard

The inauguration of the golden spikes of the Albian and Hauterivian GSSPs took place on June 29. They had been ratified by the IUGS in 2016 and 2019, respectively.
The ceremony took place at two sites in the Drôme provençale region, namely the Col de Pré-Guittard cup (commune of Arnayon, GSSP Albien) and the Serre de l’Ane cup (La Charce, GSSP Hauterivien). The ceremony was attended by some thirty people, including the chairmen of the Hauterivian (J. Mutterlose), Albian (A. Gale), Cretaceous Stratigraphy Subcommission (MR Petrizzo) and International Stratigraphy Commission (D. Harper) working groups.
S. Reboulet’s scientific involvement has focused mainly on the Hauterivian GSSP (cf article published in Episodes, 2020).
A steering committee from the Drôme department, the PNR Baronnies and scientists, including some from the LGL-TPE (Emmanuel Robert and Stéphane Reboulet), have developed the two sites (panels/media, etc.) to disseminate knowledge to the general public and promote the site.