Postdoctoral offer in planetary geodynamics
Position open until filled
Credits : NASA / JPL Caltech

Description of the offer :
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research contract to join the ERC CRUSLID project based at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. The CRUSLID project began on October 1, 2021; it aims to understand the nature and current structure of the crusts of single-planet telluric planets (planets in a stagnant layer regime) and the physical and geological processes leading to their formation and evolution.
The aim of the post-doctorate is to investigate the link between seismicity observed on terrestrial bodies and stress accumulation by cooling of the lithosphere, using thermal evolution models and analysis of seismicity catalogs on Mars and the Moon. Candidates must hold a PhD, preferably in geodynamics, and have a sound knowledge of continuum mechanics, elasticity, fluid dynamics and the numerical solution of partial differential equations, as well as a clear scientific initiative. The position is for two years.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, transcript and contact details of three referees to Chloé Michaut. The position is open until filled.