New arrivals and departures procedure

Arriving at University Lyon 1, ENSL or UJM

Students arriving for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree must go through the Lyon 1/ENS secretary.

You are joining or renewing your contract with LGL-TPE

We need the New Arrival Information form one month before your arrival to prepare your application, as signatures take time.

This document should be sent to Aymeric Dindaine at, after which a more complete file will be filled in depending on your situation.

This will enable us to create access badges for you to the buildings and canteen, register you in the laboratory directory if required, and give you access to softwares and applications.

Depending on your situation, you can also get keys for your office from Aymeric.

Download the newcomer information sheet

Update of the Laboratory directory on the website

You are also asked to fill in the Newcomer Directory Information Form as soon as you arrive. This form is to be completed by all new arrivals, except trainees, and will be used to update the directory on the laboratory website.

Fill in the directory information form

Health and safety instructions for your arrival

When you arrive, find out who the laboratory’s health and safety contacts are, depending on the site(s) where you’ll be working. Don’t hesitate to contact them if necessary. Visit the safety website to find out about the risks and instructions to be followed.

Health and Safety

IT procedure

  • Please download the following document and hand it in to a Prevention Assistant after signing.

    This document makes it possible to identify the risks associated with each new recruit’s activities and to direct them towards the appropriate safety information. The document must be signed by the new employee, his or her manager, an Occupational Health and Safety representative and a health and safety officer, who will keep a copy.

    PDF - 394 KB

IT procedures

If you need us to open rights on the network, you must read the IT charter and complete the IT Account Opening file.

It should be sent to

For the CNRS, for your first connection, your parameters will be defined online. Choose the CNRS unit staff option to avoid any problems.

Download the IT charter

Download the IT account opening file