The annual meeting of the Service national d'observation RéNAG welcome in Lyon

3rd-4th April 2024

On April 3rd and 4th, the Observatoire des sciences de l’Univers de Lyon (OSUL) hosted the annual general meeting of the Service National d’Observation RéNAG*. National Observation Services (SNO) are set up by INSU to implement observation systems over several years, or even decades. These services are intended to serve the entire scientific community and beyond, and to help advance knowledge.

Around twenty representatives from partner OSUs and networks were present to discuss network developments and the strategy for distributing data acquired by the 90 or so GNSS stations criss-crossing mainland France. These long-term observations (the first stations were installed in the 1990s) are invaluable for tracking the slow deformation of the Earth’s surface due to tectonic movements, human activities and hydrological or atmospheric overloads. The network is also involved in themes associated with sea-level monitoring and ionospheric storms.

In addition to station maintenance and the dissemination of daily or real-time data to users, SNO Rénag is responsible for technological and scientific monitoring in a fast-changing field. For example, we need to adapt the network to new positioning satellite constellations (Galileo, Beidou, etc.), and explore miniaturized, lower-cost instrumentation.

*permanent national GNSS network

Renag Website