PhD defense of Nicolas Pige

Location : Amphithéatre ISTIL, Bâtiment Polytech, UCBL

Day : 6 Juin 2024

Time : 14h

Photo: fragments of placoliths viewed with SEM, and studied by Nicolas during his thesis (source)


Assessing the impact of variable calcareous nannoplankton productivity on oceanic carbon cycle dynamics during the Paleogene

After more than 4 years in the laboratory, Nicola Pige is pleased to invite you to his PhD defense entitled ‘Assessing the impact of variable calcareous nannoplankton productivity on oceanic carbon cycle dynamics during the Paleogene’ (abstract attached).
It will take place on Thursday 6 June at 2pm (CET) in the ISTIL amphitheater, Polytech building, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Campus La Doua, Villeurbanne, France. The defense will also take place remotely, Nicolas will send a link for the videoconference in the next few days.
The defense will be in english with the following jury:
  • GARDIN, Silvia DR, CNRS Paris Reviewer
  • GODDERIS, Yves DR, CNRS Toulouse Reviewer
  • CORDEY, Fabrice PU, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Examiner
  • GIRAUD, Fabienne MCF, Université Grenoble Alpes Examiner
  • VELLEKOOP, Johan Assistant Professor, Université Catholique Louvain Belgium Examiner
  • MATTIOLI, Emanuela PU, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Supervisor
  • SUAN, Guillaume MCF, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Co-supervisor
  • BLARD, Pierre-Henri DR, CNRS Vandoeuvre les Nancy Guest
  • QUILLEVERE, Frédéric MCF, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Guest
The defense will be followed by a drink to share a convivial moment together.

View the abstract of the PhD thesis