Seminaire de Pascal Lacroix
Université Grenoble Alpes
Lieu : Doua, Fontannes
Date : 13/05/2024
Horaire : 14h – 15h
Life and death of slow-moving landslides
Résumé :
In the most destructive and catastrophic landslide events, rocks, soil and fluids can travel at speeds approaching several tens of metres per second. However, many landslides, commonly referred to as slow-moving landslides, creep at rates ranging from millimetres to several metres per year and can persist for years to decades. Slow-moving landslides are highly erosive features that control the landscape morphology in many mountainous regions. The persistent and long-term motion of slow-moving landslides also provides an exceptional opportunity to investigate landslide processes and mechanisms. Based on a combination of satellite images analysis, and in situ seismic, geodetic, and hydrologic monitoring, I will analyse the processes associated with some of the forcings (earthquakes, rainfalls, glacier retreat) that drive their motion. I will then show the value of new satellite constellations for detecting landslides and their possible acceleration, which can even lead to catastrophic failures. Finally, I will discuss the potential of these satellites for landslide time-of-failure prediction.