Chaumeil Rodríguez Micaela

Statut : Doctorante

Thème : Paléontologie – Paléoécosytèmes – Paléoenvironnements – Paléoclimats

Site : La Doua, bâtiment Géode

Bureau : 116

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Chaumeil Rodríguez Micaela

Description du thème de recherche :

My work is focused on Early-Middle Jurassic calcareous nannofossils from the Neuquén Basin (Argentina). I’m aiming to establish a local systematic paleontology base and a biostratigraphic framework for the basin, analyze their response to the Toarcian Anoxic Event (T-OAE), and explore the impact of intermittent marine connections between the Pacific and Tethys oceans on the biogeography and evolution of the group by means of comparing the Argentinian record with Tethyan assemblages.

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