Minnaert Clothilde
Statut : Doctorante
Thème : Surface et lithosphère
Site : ENS de Lyon
Bureau : M8.017
adresse mail : clothilde.minnaert@ens-lyon.fr

Description du thème de recherche :
My PhD thesis focuses on fluid-rock interactions in the mantle wedge just above the subduction interface. The rheological behaviour of deep-seated subduction zones and the role of fluids are still poorly understood. Particularly, hydrated rocks (e.g serpentinite) are expected to prevent the nucleation of earthquakes but an increasing number of seismicity clusters are detected along the slab-mantle interface or in the mantle wedge. This thesis will provide new petrological, geochemical and microstructural data by studying rocks from exhumed mantle wedges. It will enable a better characterization of fluid sources, pathways, modes of fluid flow and deformation mechanisms associated with fluid flow in the basal part of the mantle wedge. This first step of the work will provide crucial constraints for a second step involving the numerical modelling of the long-term deformation of the mantle wedge. This numerical work taking into account the field observables and with a special focus on fluid migration and petrophysical properties will bring key information on the rheological parameters (eg. viscosity, strain rate, stress state) of the slab-mantle wedge interface.