Pichat Sylvain

Statut : Maître de conférences, HDR

Thème : 4PAL

Site : ENS

Bureau : M8.109

adresse mail : spichat@ens-lyon.fr

numéro de téléphone : 04 72 72 87 92

Pichat Sylvain

Description du thème de recherche :

Quaternary paleoclimatology and climate change. Reconstruction of atmospheric and ocean circulations. I notably use source-to-sink tracing focused on dust provenance and flux variations. I conduct research in the marine environments, e.g. to study the links between atmospheric circulation variations on ocean stratification and biological pump activity and effect on atmospheric CO2 variations at glacial/interglacial to abrupt events time-scales. I use similar approaches in continental environments to study the relationships between the regional changes of the atmospheric circulation and hydro-climatic variations, such as the mechanisms generating a Green Sahara state or the recent aridification of the Northwest Saharan margin.

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